Monday, November 9, 2015


We started out our Halloween this year with a walk downtown...

and into a little bookstore for story time...

...and cookie decorating.  It was a fun, easy morning with lots of walking.  The more outdoor walking for my tinies, the better.  And, to be!

After lunch and naps, it was time for dressing up.  My children still don't know that other children choose their costumes.  Every year, I announce, "Hey guys!  Guess what you're going to be this year!"  I don't know how long it will last...but so far it has prevented expensive, difficult or uncomfortable costumes.  Plus: coordinating costumes.  We'll see how long this ride lasts :)

Carter was a very valiant Peter Pan.  He went through a million sticks swords throughout the night, vowing to protect everyone.  

He was so proud to tell everyone who he was...and who his siblingss in coordinating costumes were :)

He practiced flying...sans the pixie dust.

Ella, or Wendy, was such a simple costume that she ended up mostly looking just like a girl in a nightgown.  Which is exactly what Wendy is.  Maybe that was the problem.  Regardless, she looked a little like a hobo...but a super cute one.

I mean, the ponytail in itself was enough to make my happy with the whole thing.  I love that little ponytail profile.

In this scenario, Peter Pan was happy to give Wendy all the kisses she could possibly want.

Samuel had to be woken up from nap and was not impressed with the prospect of dressing up at the moment.

Thankfully we were able to turn things around before we left.  Thankfully.

He crooked his little finger and said, "Argh!" most of the night, telling everyone he was "Captain Hoooooooooook....but I'm not naughty!" :)

This guy:

As we have every year except the last when we were celebrating Brady and Olivia's wedding, we had supper and trick or treated with the Cunninghams.

The very first year, Carter was a little pumpkin.  We went over to the Cunninghams to eat, but didn't stay for trick or treating since Carter mostly just needed to go to bed.  The next year, Carter chased all "his girls" from small group around the neighborhood in a superhero costume while Samuel rode his stroller stead in cowboy uniform.  The third Halloween, Charlie Brown and Snoopy paired up with a very cute Minnie Mouse to walk through the neighborhood as a trio.  This year, the four were willing to dress up in theme.  My favorite:

The big three were really the perfect age this year.  They could run up the driveways themselves.  They were fairly responsible about manners and taking the appropriate amount of candy.  Old enough to walk the neighborhood without getting whiny and to push their bedtime a bit.  But...they were still tiny enough to be super cute.  They had SO much fun...which made it SO much fun for us grownups!

I am so grateful for long friendships and fun traditions.  I am grateful for these years of imagination and pretend.  I wouldn't want Neverland, even if there are times I think I would like to freeze this season.  I know the passing of it is what makes each moment so dear.  Still, I love these little years of wonder and "r's" that sound like "Twick or Tweat!"

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